The Best Way To Set Up The Housing Allowance
Nov 15, 2012
Chances are, after you read this you will likely need to make changes to your housing allowance. This year, ministers by the thousands will have defic...
Read moreThe newest tool from StartCHURCH is here! Giving Halo is a powerful all-in-one online giving platform that you need to manage donations, create compliant giving statements and highlight key insights. Cloud-based and data-driven, offering all the data pastors need to make important, informed decisions!
Chances are, after you read this you will likely need to make changes to your housing allowance. This year, ministers by the thousands will have defic...
Read moreThe vast majority of churches across America are not aware that a church can create a retirement (pension-like) plan that allows a minister to receive...
Read moreIt is not news to anyone that a minister of the gospel can designate some or all of his/her salary from the church as a housing allowance and then exc...
Read moreIn 1995, my wife and I purchased 1 and 1/4 acres of vacant land in South Florida. Because the previous owner has used the property as "storage" for fa...
Read moreThe dialogue that surrounds the taxability of love offerings is similar to a pendulum swinging from one extreme to the other. There are some that...
Read moreIt was Sunday afternoon and the service had long since come to a close. Sixty people came to the service that morning. For pastor Tom, it ...
Read moreOne of the goals of the health care act is to help small employers afford the cost of providing health insurance to their employees. The health ...
Read moreWhen you hear a story of a pastor who stole church money, do you find yourself wondering, “How could that happen?” or “What makes a ...
Read more" I know I filed it . . . I know I did!" said Pastor John Hunter. "Where is it?" was the instant reply from the agent that sat across the desk.&...
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