Tag : Pastoral Salary

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Pastor Ordered to Pay Taxes on Salary He Never Received

Jun 25, 2013

Imagine with me for a moment the moving scenario where a church pastor tells his board of directors to no longer pay his salary so that the church can...

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6 Deadly Legal Sins Pastors Commit

Jun 18, 2013

Finding out early that he had committed some very big mistakes was good for him because it gave him the opportunity fix them before they got too big. ...

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Ministers; The New IRS Bull's Eye

Jun 10, 2013

Owing thousands of dollars to the IRS was the last thing on Pastor King's mind.  The church he pastored-with its approximate 85 members-was only ...

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Convert Honorariums Into Housing Allowance in 5 Easy Steps

May 30, 2013

The ride home from the airport felt unusually short.  So short, that I could not even recall the journey.  I had been too engrossed in my th...

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The Unshared Thoughts of Many Pastors

Feb 06, 2013

Sixteen solid months of growth for his church did not quell his concern that something may be wrong with the way his church managed its tax compliance...

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Do Not Ignore These Tax Forms

Jan 27, 2013

Now that the year is in full swing, tax forms are moving to the forefront.  Every year churches and ministries are required to fill out certain t...

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Pastor and Wife's Conviction Upheld by Appeals Court

Jan 15, 2013

In 2010, I wrote about a pastor and wife team that were arrested for failing to report love offerings, reimbursements, and housing allowances on their...

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Tax Calendar for 1st Half of 2013

Jan 07, 2013

Every year in January and February, our office gets tons of phone calls from pastors and leaders asking about tax forms and what needs to be filed in ...

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Urgent Housing Allowance Update for 2012

Dec 21, 2012

A question that often goes unasked and unanswered is, “Who actually qualifies for the housing allowance?”  Most people automatic...

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