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Get the Corporate Seal for Your Ministry

There are few meetings in your ministry as important as your board meetings. These meetings shape your ministry and propel you forward. Many have wondered what they should be doing with the board meeting minutes that are created from these meetings. You do not have to wonder any longer! With the Ministry Corporate Records Kit™ from StartCHURCH, you have everything you need for taking minutes at each board meeting, and it contains everything you need to keep accurate and reliable corporate records. This is a must-have for any ministry seeking to create a strong, legal foundation.

Why are your corporate records so important? Since the early 1990's, church lawsuits have risen dramatically. Many litigators are successfully piercing the corporate veil at an alarming rate and going after its pastors and directors on a personal level. The reason why so many litigating attorneys have been successful in suing pastors and directors is because churches are unable to produce records that prove they are operating as a corporation. Being incorporated* is simply not enough. Courts demand that you operate as a corporation on a daily basis. Keeping your records in a safe, clear, and focused manner can help protect you against potential legal action.

Our corporate records notebook was specifically designed for churches and ministries, making it easy to keep the kind of records that keep your ministry strong. Along with the corporate records notebook, you will also receive the added advantage of using the custom-made corporate seal that we provide for your church or ministry, ensuring your paperwork follows legal protocols. Today is the day to make a step forward in the legal compliance of your ministry and protect what God has given you to lead.

Everything Needed for Corporate Minutes
  • Corporate Records Binder
  • Organizational Meeting Tab
  • Articles of Incorporation* Tab
  • Constitution and Bylaws* Tab
  • IRS Approval Tab
  • Sales Tax Exemption Tab
  • Stainless Steel Corporate Seal
  • Policies Tab
  • Ministers Tab
  • Members Tab
  • Employees Tab
  • Vendors and Contractors Tab
IRS Auditing Churches

Live prepared. Rest Assured.

As the law stands today, the IRS is able to ask virtually any church, at any time, to furnish complete copies of their minutes and all other documents the IRS needs to determine whether the church is operating in compliance. The IRS will review the minutes of the church, and all decisions made by the leadership, to ensure that they comply with the church's bylaws*. The IRS wants to see that all salaries, pastoral love gifts, stipends, reimbursements, and purchases (including benevolence distributions) were all documented in the church's minutes and approved in a board meeting. The IRS also wants to know if the minutes are properly implemented and stored in a safe place.

The Ministry Corporate Records Kit™ stores your minutes, allowing you to keep a working copy at the church or ministry office at all times. It has never been easier to protect your ministry.

Get started today with
Ministry Corporate Records Kit™
Buy Now for $59

*Due to COVID-19, shipping for Minister's Corporate Records Kits will be delayed up to two weeks.