Spring Sale: Get 25% off Select Software! Use Code: SpringSale25
Road Map for Running a Successful Ministry

The road from vision to execution can seem overwhelming. Let StartCHURCH walk with you and help you understand your vision, develop your mission, create your values and write sound policies and procedures. You are not in this alone!

Red Arrows
Keep the Vision Process Alive

Your vision isn't stagnant; as your ministry grows and evolves, your vision and mission will grow with it. Our Policies Suite includes a Vision Construct that will keep the process alive, engaging your members and keeping everyone involved. If applied with diligence and determination, implementation of a Vision Construct will radically transform the church by involving virtually every member in God's vision.

Policies Suite on iPad
55 Customizable Policies Just for You!

Writing policies can be time consuming and frustrating. Wouldn't it be easier to have a policy that is perfect for your organization, without having to waste your time developing it?

Our Policies Suite contains 55 customizable policies and instructions on how to implement them. These policies are a collection of best practices with unique additions that speak to any situation. This suite will move your ministry down the path to success by protecting what God has called you to lead in a new way.

  • Debit & Credit Card Policy
  • Travel Expense Policy
  • Automobile Policy
  • Compensation Policy
  • Intellectual Property Policy
  • Altar Ministry Policy
  • Vacation & Holiday Policy
  • Tithe & Offering Collection Policy
  • Loose Check Roster
  • Financial Benevolence Application
  • Personal Conduct Policy
  • Disaster Relief Policy
  • Child Safety Policy
  • Wedding Policy
  • Disruptive Person Policy
  • And 40 More!
Part of the StartRIGHT Service

The Policies Suite™ is one of five suites included in our StartRIGHT Service. By purchasing the StartRIGHT Service, you will be given access to Minutes Suite™, Policies Suite™, Tax Suite™, Launch Suite™, and Exemption Suite™. In addition to the software, you will also get FREE clerical services that will put a specialist to work completing your paperwork so you can file with ease. That's right! We will assist you through the whole process!

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Suites Group
Get started today with
Policies Suite™
Buy Now for $249