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Planning for the future isn’t something you should delay!

The best way to prepare for retirement is to make decisions today that position you for success tomorrow. 20% of Americans are not planning for retirement. By applying for the Minister’s Self-Employment Tax Exemption, you can better prepare for your future and still take advantage of Social Security. Let us help you take your next step towards a great retirement!

Minister's Self-Employment Tax Exemption

Get started today for only $199!

Call 770-638-3444!

Applying for the self-employment tax exemption is one of the best decisions you can make as a minister!

Any minister who properly opts out of Social Security will still receive Social Security benefits when he or she retires, so long as he or she has at least 40 credits applied to his/her account. Many sincere but misinformed CPA's and tax attorneys advise pastors and ministers not to opt out on the premise that if they do, they will not get Social Security benefits at retirement.

You will not lose your Social Security benefits!

When you opt out of Social Security, you are not opting out of the Social Security system altogether. You are simply making the earnings you receive while in ministry as a pastor, evangelist, or ordained minister exempt from self-employment tax. Any income you make outside of ministry is still subject to self-employment tax, and it must be paid.

Feeling Confused?

Here is an example:

Pastor Tom is 28 years old. He is the pastor of a young congregation that cannot afford to pay him a full salary. He works at the church and at a local insurance company to make ends meet. He has 36 credits applied to his Social Security account. Pastor Tom chooses to opt out of Social Security, and after getting approved, he does not pay any self-employment tax on his earnings from the church. However, he still pays Social Security tax on his earnings from his job at the local insurance company. He continues to earn up to four credits per year for his Social Security benefits. At the end of this year he will have 40 credits and will qualify to receive Social Security when he retires. The good news is that he can continue to work the part-time job and earn additional credits, or he can choose to work full-time in ministry, be exempt from the Social Security taxes, and still receive Social Security benefits when he retires.

Would you like a discount?

We offer a discount if you purchase your self-employment tax exemption application (Social Security), housing allowance, and compensation agreement together. When you bundle these three services together, you get a $249.00 discount. Below is the pricing breakdown:

Normal Price Bundled Price
Housing Allowance $199.00 Housing Allowance $199.00
SE Tax Exemption $399.00 SE Tax Exemption $199.00
Compensation Agreement $449.00 Compensation Agreement $449.00
Subtotal $847.00 Subtotal $847.00
Discount $0.00 Discount -$249.00
Total $1,047.00 Total $798.00
We’d love to help you take your next step towards a great retirement!

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