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The Pastor's Tool Kit

Imagine staring at a blank screen when you try to write heartfelt letter to a member of your church. The Minister's Suite™ was created to help you meet the challenges that pastors face every day. Whether it's ordination issues for the ministers that you have trained or you as the founder, look no further. Finally, the Minister's Suite™ empowers you to eloquently bestow honor to an individual from the pulpit.


20 ceremonies for every occasion


Learn to lead God-honoring weddings.


Creating a place of honor in a time of grief.

Save Time:

Spend more time ministering during the most important moments.

Equip Your Ministers:

Equip every minister for the moments that matter.


Create an ordination program

Becoming a licensed or ordained minister is not a trivial matter. It represents an individual being set apart for ministry. Yet, how does one become legally licensed or ordained within the laws that govern our society? Minister's Suite™ teaches you everything you need to know about properly establishing a licensing and ordination program within your church.


51 ways to bestow honor in public

This resource has been compiled as a vital tool for you to use in any circumstance where you feel it is appropriate to give public honor to an individual or group of individuals. Each statement of honor is easy to use, loaded with helpful suggestions, Scriptures, and an appropriate prayer that can be offered on behalf of the one(s) being honored.

Honoring individuals in the church

Having the right things to say when the moment arises allows you to build confidence in your leadership before your church. No matter who attends your service, never be caught off guard again.

Honoring individuals in the community

Your church's impact goes far beyond the walls of your church. With the Minister's Suite™, you will be ready in a moments notice to give honor wherever and to whomever in your community.

Statements of honor for the holidays

With the Minister's Suite™, you can learn to maximize those big growth days ahead of time, ensuring you never forget to bring honor to whom honor is due.

112 Pastoral Letters

Letters of Acceptance

Letters of Announcement

Letters of Condolence

Fundraising Letters

Thank You Letters

And Many More!

Get started today with
Minister's Suite™
Buy Now for $199