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The complete guide for church planters,
from launch day and beyond
Buy Now for $349
Created for church planters, by church planters

At StartCHURCH, we know you want to lead a thriving church plant. The problem is, it can be challenging to know where to start on your journey. And not knowing what your first steps should be can make you feel unsure of yourself, and sometimes uncertain if God is really calling you to plant a church. What you need is a plan, a step-by-step guide you can use throughout your journey.

We believe every pastor should have the equipping, knowledge, and tools they need to see their vision come to pass. Having helped over 19,000 church plants, we understand the challenges church planters face. That’s why we created the Launch to Lead video course just for church planters!

Buy Now for $349
What's included in the video course?
  • 10 lessons broken down over 38 videos
  • Workbook and answer sheet
  • Over 20 essential free example assets for starting your church!
  • Unlimited access to the video course

Buy Now for $349
20 Essential Assets for Your Church Plant

When you purchase the video course, you will also receive several free documents that are all customizable for your church. These documents include:

Board Meeting Minutes

Recruitment Presentation

Fundraising Letter

Leadership Honor Code

First Time Visitor Letter

Launch Calendar

Offering Count Sheet

Connect Card

52-Week Preaching Calendar

Launch Team Job Description

Plus several more!

Buy Now for $349
“This video course is full of great information that would have been helpful when starting my church. If you are planting a church, watch this video course to prepare yourself for the journey.”

- Pastor Raul Rivera

Launch with confidence
Learn everything you need to know from launch day to church growth

Launch to Lead includes 10 lessons that explore the in-depth process of what it looks like to be confident as you plant your church and watch it grow. You’ll learn about the many topics that every pastor will face in their church planting journey, and you’ll also receive various bonus assets for your use.

Bonus Lesson:

How To Get Your Church Online

Does this sound like you?
I am nervous to ask friends and family to donate to my church plant.
I’m not sure where to start when creating a budget for my church.
I don’t know how to lead a board meeting or what I need to cover.
I want 100 people at my first service, but I don’t know how to get the word out.
I am ready to start my church but need guidance on recruiting a launch team.
I’m done “Googling it.” I need to protect my church plant before we launch.
If you feel that way, good news!
We created this video course to help you solve problems just like the ones mentioned above!
Buy Now for $349
Get this video series today and launch your church plant in total confidence!
Buy Now for $349