Two Are Better Than One

By America Kimlinger

My husband and I recently celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary. Our journey has had its ups and downs. We are parents of two sons. We’ve relocated many times, including two moves across countries. We've navigated changes in our careers and experienced a mix of losses, deaths, and celebrations. Our love and commitment have grown stronger, standing together through it all. This milestone has highlighted the invaluable nature of partnerships for us.

The concept of partnership is deeply rooted in scripture, illustrated by examples such as Jesus sending disciples out in groups of two and the partnership between Paul and Timothy in spreading the Gospel. These instances and numerous others in the Bible emphasize the significance of partnerships in fulfilling God's purposes. They remind us that we are not meant to journey through life alone but are called to collaborate with others, each with distinct roles and a shared goal.

The essence of the partnership lies in its collaborative nature, where we come together, stand with each other, believe in each other, and support each other, no matter what. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 beautifully captures this essence, highlighting how partnerships can amplify our impact and emphasizing the mutual benefit and support found in partnerships:

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”

Partnerships can be viewed in several dimensions. First, there is the partnership with God Himself.

God is faithful, and you were called by him to partnership with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” - 1 Corinthians 1:9

In this partnership, we acknowledge God's faithfulness and our calling to work alongside Him in advancing His kingdom. It involves surrendering our will and desires to His, allowing Him to guide and direct our paths. As we submit to God, we open ourselves to the transformative work of the Holy Spirit, who becomes our primary partner in ministry and life.

Partnering with God is about aligning our hearts and minds with His purposes, trusting that He will empower us to fulfill His plan for us. As believers, we are called to enter this partnership with unwavering commitment, devotion, and wholehearted dedication.

Next, there is the dimension of partnership with others. In both ministry and daily life, partnering with others is essential. Life's challenges are often too daunting to face alone; we need the support and assistance of those around us who can pick us up when we stumble and walk alongside us in our journey.

This type of partnership is not just about having people around us; it's about choosing the right people around us. Andy Stanley often emphasizes that the people around us "will determine the direction and quality of your life."

Therefore, we have to choose the right people around us, people we can trust. Trust is the foundation of a good partnership, whether with a spouse, boss, or ministry partner. Trust is cultivated over time through consistent actions, reliability, and alignment of values and goals. When partners can depend on each other, knowing that promises will be kept and honored, the partnership grows stronger.

At StartCHURCH, we deeply value the principle of partnership and its significance in both our work and personal lives. We recognize that God calls us to partner with Him and with one another.

We have the honor of being trusted by over 20,000 churches and ministries, a testament to the value they see in our partnership approach and commitment to supporting their mission. Partnering with StartCHURCH means becoming part of a dedicated community that is fully invested in supporting you for the life of your ministry. We're here to walk alongside you. Call us at 770-638-3444 to explore how we can partner together for the Kingdom.


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