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Ministry is Not So Simple Anymore

By Raul Rivera

The complexity of ministry

Have you noticed how complex the ministry has become? Very little about the ministry is simple any more. Long past are the days when a pastor was just a pastor. Today pastors are not only preachers, they are leaders of corporations, required to make good business decisions on behalf of the church. This is a tall order for anyone.  And it is true, ministry is not for the weak of heart. It takes a person with deep resolve and conviction that God is calling them, to say, "yes" to the call of ministry.  Add to the toughness of ministry the fact that the majority of pastors today start churches while still working a full-time job! The gospel really is moving forward on the shoulders of men and women who are taking it forward "after work"-men and women who are working during the day for someone else, and yet serving the purposes of God for their generation in the after hours.  From a business perspective, many of these pastors spend time after their families have gone to bed, combing the internet, trying to make sure their church is compliant in its accounting, IRS and state regulations, and all the while planning for how to reach more people for Christ! And, of course, praying and reading the Word. Does that sound like you?  If so, I want to applaud you!  I honor what God is doing through you in our nation. You are a brave soul following God no matter the cost. What a blessing you are!

Why I See a Bright Future For The Church

If there is one thing that I have seen in recent years, it is a lot of breaking of the mold. No longer does the church require a traditional approach to how it lives out its vision. In fact, the Lord is using men and women in many pockets of American society that do not fit the traditional mold of what a "pastor" should look like.  These men and women are entering the harvest field with a heart for the lost and are blazing new trails for the gospel in our land. Many of these ministers are reaching people by meeting in coffee shops, businesses, and hotel conference rooms; preaching a message of holiness and true repentance before a holy God.  And though national statistics show that the number of Christians continues to dwindle, I believe many of those that have said "yes" to the Lord in these days will usher in a revival that will revolutionize the church.  This means that you, yes, I mean you - pastor of a few, who works a full-time job and meets in a basement, and is giving it your all - will be part of the Lord's great end time harvest.  When I see you, I see that the future is very bright for the church because you are shining where few have shined before! I believe that our best days are ahead.  But, I also believe the future will be met with persecutions of different kinds.

Quiet Persecution

If you study the history of the church, one thing is very evident:

Every move of God comes with persecution.  

Every movement we make forward has a counter attack planned against it!

Without it, it is not a true move of God (Matt. 10:28-31).  

And one of the least expected areas of persecution in the church is in the legal arena of the church.

With the passing of time, public policy from Washington D.C. has become more and more hostile towards the Christian church.  Every day it seems I see another piece of legislation that speaks of disregard for the church.  I see this as a form of persecution that I call: "QUIET PERSECUTION."  It is quiet because it will not make the news or get much national attention.  It is not sensational; it is litigious. It is waged in the halls of decision makers with little fear of God, making waves with their pens by signing laws that work against the church.  I believe this persecution will come in the form of increased government scrutiny.  I believe that the Lord, in His goodness, always sends out messengers to forewarn the church.  We have been sounding the alarm more than ever this year because several things have occurred that make us uncomfortable.  

They are as follows.

  • Section 4958 of the Internal Revenue Code: Over the years, Congress has tweaked this section of code, and in March of 2008, the IRS published final regulations that affect how the law is applied and how it relates to tax exempt entities like churches and ministries. In the past, the IRS did not have much incentive to go after churches because there were no penalty provisions in the law that motivated them to do so. Back then, the budget for church audits had to come out of the IRS's own pocket and the worst result of an audit was that the church could lose its tax exempt status for major violations. Things have changed! Section 4958 is now the IRS's golden egg because it gives them power to heavily penalize churches and their leaders for private inurement violations. Now that it can impose hefty fines to fatten its coffers, you can be sure the IRS will act quicker and with increased vigor.
  • Growth of independent churches: Certain challenges arise when churches break away from traditional church structures. Do not get me wrong; I think it is great to see new growth in the Body of Christ! Seeing many different churches with their own unique expression of love for God is a beautiful thing. I would like to see more churches start up. As long as there are unsaved people in your city, there is room for one more church. My concern is with the direct correlation between the number of new churches and the increase in non-compliance issues. Independent churches do not necessarily have a central office or denominational headquarters to rely on for tax and compliance education and financial accountability. They are on their own and the statistics are simply dismal.
  • Changing public policy and legal opinions: Public opinion has been steadily moving to the left when it comes to churches and taxation. Courts have ruled that church tax exemption is an "act of legislative grace" and not guaranteed by the Constitution. Additionally, courts have concurred that the only provision giving churches tax-exempt status is Section 501(c)(3). Whether you agree or not, this is how the law is being enforced, and public outcry over government transgression against religious organizations is losing volume. Local, state, and federal government agencies no longer see churches and ministries as untouchable.

But even though we are facing such a future, my heart is still hopeful for the church.  I always remember that historically, during times of persecution, the church grows in record numbers.  Lives are changed. Marriages are healed. And heaven grows.

Pastor, I believe this is your time to seize the moment and get ready for growth.  Your future is bright because you do not have to be caught off guard.  You can have a church where the gospel is preached with conviction and you do not feel hindered by any fear of noncompliance with state and federal laws.

How StartCHURCH Can Help

There are a lot of challenges that churches and ministries are facing right now. But being caught off guard by hostile legislation or lack of compliance does not have to be one of them.

At StartCHURCH, we believe the Church's best days are ahead! And it is our passion to partner with churches and ministries like yours to ensure that they have the tools and the team they need to operate in compliance with the state and federal laws that govern nonprofit and tax exempt organizations.

If we can be a partner for you or be of service to you in anyway, please give us a call at 770-638-3444. It would be our honor to help get your house in order.

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