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6 Tips to Grow Your Church in 2022

By Mariel Villarreal

Read Time: 4 Minutes

As we step into 2022, it’s time to start dreaming about what God can do in and through the church he’s called you to lead. Are you ready to see radical, exponential growth this year?

Today I want to share six practical tips to help you make 2022 a year of increase and expansion for your church—so you see the kingdom of God advance in every sphere of influence He has called you to impact.

1. Start with prayer

We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps. Proverbs 16:9 NLT

We can’t talk about growth for your church without starting with the most foundational step: prayer. 

The Church at large is facing new challenges in 2022, and that means church and ministry leaders need new strategies. The good news is, God has the solutions we need. At the start of this new year, take time to pray and ask the Lord if there is a new strategy, dream, or vision he is calling you to. He will provide PROvision for the vision as He orders your next steps.

2. Fortify your foundation

Now is a great time to fortify a legal foundation on which your church can grow. You may not have officially started your church, or maybe you just began holding services a few months ago and are thinking, “I will get around to the legal stuff once my church has gotten settled.”

I want to give you two reasons why you should not wait to establish your church’s legal foundation:

  1. Legal protection: Establishing your church or ministry on a solid legal foundation removes liability from you and your church members.
  2. Tax-deductible donations: Many pastors do not realize this, but when a church does not have official 501(c)(3) status, the “burden of proof” falls upon the donors. In other words, if one of your church members were to get audited and your church did not have official 501(c)(3) status, the burden of proving that your church is compliant with section 501(c)(3) is their responsibility. That can be a huge burden to carry! Once you obtain official 501(c)(3) status for your church, you will be able to receive tithes and offerings and ensure your donors that their donations are tax-deductible. 

Here are four steps you can take to fortify your church’s legal foundation:

  1. Incorporate your church.
  2. Create and adopt bylaws tailored to your church.
  3. Implement policies and procedures.
  4. Keep and maintain excellent corporate records.

Have you already taken these steps? If so, has it been a while since you’ve done so? It may be a good time for you to reinforce your foundation and ensure you are protected against whatever may come your way. This may include updating your bylaws, undergoing an official name or address change, or getting reinstated with the IRS.

If you have questions or need help with any of these steps, please call us at 877-494-4655 to speak to a specialist!


3. Develop leaders

Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." - Matthew 9:37-38 (ESV)

You can’t fulfill the vision God has given you alone. This year, take time to develop a few key leaders in your community. You'll be able to hand over new initiatives, roles, and assignments to them and help them step into a new level of their calling. Ultimately, this will lead to radical growth as others come alongside you in this season. 

As you start developing leaders, you'll want to make sure you have a solid ordination program in place to ordain ministers of the gospel. To learn how to establish an ordination program, check out our video course Equipped to Ordain.

4. Create outreach programs

Over the past year and a half, the Church left the building. It’s time to pursue new avenues and strategies to reach the lost and broken. Take a look at the unique needs of your city, and ask God what He wants to do and how you can be a part of it. The harvest may not come into the church building—it’s time to go into the field and bring them in!

An excellent strategy to consider is to start a Community Development Corporation (CDC) through your church. With a CDC, you can impact areas of your city that a solely religious organization may not have access to. Plus, another major benefit is the ability to receive grants and other funding a church or ministry cannot receive.

We want to help you make a difference in your community! To learn more, give us a call at 877-494-4655 or click the link below.


5. Expand your reach online

Online church and ministry is here to stay. And with millions of people online daily, the internet is a massive mission field. That's why maximizing your website and social media platforms to the fullest is essential moving into the new year. (Learn more about making an impact online here.)

Here's where tip #2 comes in hand. Raise up leaders in your community passionate about online ministry. Recruit a team to come up with creative ways to build your social media presence. This is a great way to affirm the younger generation and give them a platform to lead—all while growing your reach to those who may not find your church another way.

If you need help creating a ministry or church website, check out StartSITES!

6. Reassess your branding

Simply put, your branding communicates who your church is to those you want to reach. 

Consider asking these questions: 

  • Is your name recognizable in your community?
  • Is your branding clear and easy to understand?
  • Does your website have a clear mission and vision statement?
  • Is your social media presence consistent with your brand?

Take some time to determine if you need to make any changes to your branding. This will add to your church growth in the long run as your community begins to learn who you are and the heart behind your mission.

Learn more about creating effective branding here. 

Get ready for the new

The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Psalm 37:23 NLT

As you move forward into the new year, start with prayer and decide what practical steps you can take to help you grow your church. You are called to lead for this time, and we pray that God would bless and increase your ministry in 2022 and beyond.

If we can assist you in any way with any of these strategies, please reach out to us! Our team at StartCHURCH is passionate about helping you to protect and grow what God has called you to lead. Please give us a call at 877-494-4655 or click the link below to schedule a call with a  specialist.


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