Pastor, Protect Your Freedom of Speech
Sep 12, 2019
As of late, former Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran is expecting a payout of $1.2 million from the City of Atlanta, Georgia. He was released from his positio...
Read moreAs of late, former Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran is expecting a payout of $1.2 million from the City of Atlanta, Georgia. He was released from his positio...
Read moreIn Matthew 28:16-10, Jesus gave us the Great Commission: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make ...
Read morePastor Walker recently took over the senior pastor position for New Beginnings Church. The church had been growing and was now ready to give him a sal...
Read moreA church and its members have a unique and valuable relationship. After all, what would a church be without its members? With grace, members receive t...
Read moreOne of the best ways for a church to show its gratitude towards members’ faithful giving is by providing donors with donation receipts. Receipts...
Read moreAre you aware that there are rules governing how a church, ministry, and even a for-profit business can participate in overseas activities? If ...
Read moreWe live in a time when churches in the United States are sued more than ever. A good portion of those lawsuits involve members being injured during ch...
Read moreWalk into one group of pastors and you will hear them say, “You MUST have 501(c)(3) status! It’s the law and is very helpful!” Walk ...
Read morePastor Leslie has been interested in using Facebook and Instagram to reach her community for a while. She decided to do some research to see if using ...
Read moreAnd receive Book 1 of our Grow Trilogy FREE today! This series gives you the strategies you need to get started growing your church plant today!
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