IRS Enforces Strict "Love Gift" Rules
Aug 11, 2014
In 1963, Pastor Goodwin became the pastor of Gospel Assembly Church, with 25 members. As time progressed, however, the church grew to over 400 m...
Read moreThe newest tool from StartCHURCH is here! Giving Halo is a powerful all-in-one online giving platform that you need to manage donations, create compliant giving statements and highlight key insights. Cloud-based and data-driven, offering all the data pastors need to make important, informed decisions!
In 1963, Pastor Goodwin became the pastor of Gospel Assembly Church, with 25 members. As time progressed, however, the church grew to over 400 m...
Read moreMinistry leaders are visionaries. We see a need, and we are good at dreaming of how to meet the need. But the journey between vision and reality is da...
Read moreUnderstanding how to properly use a church credit card is imperative if pastors and church leaders wish to maintain financial accountability, stewards...
Read moreA couple of years ago I was having lunch with a staff member of a church with whom I was well acquainted. We sat down at our table and reminisce...
Read moreShe was dismayed when she got a letter from the IRS telling her that her $18,000.00 salary at the church was too high. After all, Pastor Geneva ...
Read moreKey point: A board meeting without minutes, is not a board meeting. I recently had a conversation with an administrator who had just join...
Read moreA man, who was dismissed from membership for causing division and strife over love offerings given to guest speakers, filed a lawsuit against the chur...
Read moreToday, I want to discuss a topic that I thoroughly cover in our conferences. That topic is the adding and removing of board members. In 20...
Read moreOn December 16, 2013 the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a bankruptcy court's decision and ruled that a church had to turn over to a bankrup...
Read moreAnd receive Book 1 of our Grow Trilogy FREE today! This series gives you the strategies you need to get started growing your church plant today!
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