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Become Legally Ordained

At StartCHURCH, we believe in you! We believe you are answering God's call to advance the Gospel and make a difference in the world. With the StartRIGHT Service, you will have everything you need to be ordained and to start your own licensing and ordination program in your church or ministry to help you live out this calling on your life!

By creating your own ordination program, you can be legally ordained with the ability to:


Housing Allowance

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Tax Papers

Special Tax Deductions

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Wedding Bands

Preform Ceremonies

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A StartRIGHT Advantage

A core part of our StartRIGHT Service is empowering your organizations with ability to license and ordain ministers of the Gospel. Do you have a vision to send out ministers into the world? Then let the StartRIGHT Service equip you with the tools you need to answer God's call on your life.

Being able to ordain is established into the StartRIGHT Service

The StartRIGHT Service ingrains ordination language into your legal foundation. By adding this to your documents, it will allow you to create and manage your own ordination program!


Articles of Incorporation

This program assures that your foundational documents have the right language that give your church or ministry the legal right to extend ordination.



Under your guidance, StartCHURCH will create a set of bylaws that allow you to lay out your vision of who can and cannot be legally ordained through your church or ministry.


Ordination Certificate

Every StartRIGHT Service comes with an Ordination Certificate for the Senior Minister. You never have to worry again about having a valid, legal ordination.

For the past 18 years, thousands of churches have used the StartRIGHT service to establish their church or ministry on a solid legal foundation.

Ready to learn more about everything that is included in the StartRIGHT service? Click here.

SPECIAL OFFER: Purchase a StartRIGHT Service today, and get a FREE Minister's Ordination Certificate!
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Did You Know?

You don't need to be ordained to start a church.

You can be legally ordained through the church that you start (if your bylaws are written correctly).

Getting ordained once doesn't mean you are always ordained. Your ordination can be revoked or ended if the church that ordains you closes.

As an ordained minster, there are certain perks that you can take advantage of, like having a housing allowance and special tax deductions.

10 Steps to Creating A Legal Ordination Program

Spiritual ordination is God calling a man or a woman unto the gospel. That is a direct result of God's call upon someone's life. Legal ordination is the result of a set of compliance steps taken by both the ministry and minister.

This is important because the IRS may not recognize the ministerial status of those (you included) who receive an ordination or other ministerial credentials from your church, without the proper language in your bylaws and Articles of Incorporation.

Criteria to be met may include, but is not limited to, classes, on-the-job training, volunteer work at the church, or being involved in the local ministry.

A fee creates an opportunity for the church to once more confirm that the candidate agrees with the sincerely held religious beliefs of the church.

By requiring candidates to take and pass an exam helps to establish that candidates go through a considered, deliberate, and responsible act.

The ordination ceremony is a celebration of the fulfillment of completing the process they just went through in order to be ordained.

By including an expiration date, a minister that leaves on bad terms can only be tied to the organization for the period of time on the credentials.

This can be accomplished by having the minister submit a renewal application or having the minister submit a written letter requesting a renewal.

These records should include background and reference checks, and kept in a safe place.

It is important to confirm in several ways that the person you are ordaining believes the same thing that you do.

In the court case, Cramer vs. Commonwealth, a group of ministers had their ordination revoked because the did not stay in contact with their ordainaing church. Don't let this happen to you or those you have ordained?

Demystify Ordination

There is a lot of mystery surrounding ordination - we don't want you to be confused! We highly recommend these three articles to help you have a fuller understanding on ordination.

Are You Sure Your
Ordination is Legal

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A Backslidden Minister
In My Church

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5 Ordination Facts That Will
Keep You Out of Trouble

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