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What is an F.E.I.N. and does my ministry need one?

By Raul Rivera

F.E.I.N. stands for Federal Employer Identification Number and this number is what the IRS will use to identify your church plant and is essential for opening a bank account, filing for your 501(c)(3) status, applying for loans and more. 

What that means is that in order to gain your tax exempt status, you have to start with the F.E.I.N. and ensure that you have the correct classification. Applying for and being granted your F.E.I.N. is one of the foundational steps of starting your church legally and is part of the process of becoming a 501(c)(3) church. 


The process of obtaining the F.E.I.N can be complicated and time-consuming; the good news is that you don’t have to do it alone! StartCHURCH is here to make sure that you start right. Give us a call today to speak to one of our ministry specialists to help you plant your church or ministry with a firm legal foundation.


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