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Top Grants Available for Nonprofits in 2022

By Ashley White

In our last two vlogs, we talked about how to start a non-profit and how to find funding, and today we are going to round out our non-profit vlog series with a list of the top nine non-profit grants available to you and how to apply. 

3M Foundation

What it is: Grants for nonprofits that help underrepresented individuals advance in STEM fields, climate change, and various global humanitarian relief efforts.

How to apply: Visit their grant guidelines to determine your eligibility before applying.

Potential benefits: Gain financing to fund various events and volunteer programs and receive donated funds and products.

The Carnegie Foundation

What it is: Grants for nonprofits specializing in state-based work and those bringing higher education and resources to African scholars.

How to apply: Before using their cloud-based grants management system, you must submit a letter of inquiry to start the application process.

Potential benefits: The Carnegie Foundation has donated $45,000 to $500,000+ to past grantees.

The Coca-Cola Foundation

What it is: Corporate foundation dedicated to giving back 1% of its prior year’s operating income to nonprofit organizations that empower women, enhance communities, protect the environment, and advance education.

How to apply: You must register on their website and pass the eligibility quiz.

Potential benefits: The Coca-Cola Foundation has made generous donations ranging from $45,000 to $500,000+ to past grantees.

Walmart Foundation

What it is: Local community grant opportunities for nonprofits promoting diversity, advancing sustainability, improving nutrition, and disaster relief and preparedness.

How to apply: Visit their website to learn more about eligibility and applying online.

Potential benefits: The Walmart Foundation’s local grants range from $250 to $5,000.

Ford Foundation 

What it is: Grants for nonprofits specializing in civic engagement, fighting inequality, and promoting environmental sustainability.

How to apply: Submit your application using their online form.

Potential benefits: $20,000 to $300,000+ donated to past grantees.

Amazon Web Services Imagine Grant

What it is: Empowering nonprofit organizations that leverage technology to advance their projects and goals.

How to apply: Visit their website to download their guidelines and learn more about applying.

Potential benefits: Up to $100,000 in financial support and AWS promotional credit

Bank of America

What it is: Grants for nonprofits that seek to promote hunger relief, homelessness relief, stable housing, environmental sustainability, and building vibrant communities rich in art and culture.

How to apply: Visit their website to submit an online application.

Potential benefits: Larger markets benefit from grant amounts of $5,000 to $50,000 or $2,500 to $25,000, according to their Grant FAQs.

Google Ad Grants

What it is: Google ad credit to help boost your nonprofit organization’s marketing efforts.

How to apply: Visit their website to sign up online.

Potential benefits: Up to $10,000 of in-kind advertising every month can be used to recruit volunteers and increase donations.

Google for Nonprofits

What it is: Instead of a traditional grant, Google for Nonprofits offers its products and tools to help nonprofit organizations run their operations.

How to apply: Apply online for a Google for Nonprofits account.

Potential benefits: Access G Suite for Nonprofits, Google Ad Grants, YouTube Nonprofit Program, and Google Maps Platform for free. Also, receive significant discounts for their G Suite Business and Enterprise software.

While the above list is a great place to start obtaining a grant for your nonprofit, there are various other options—it’s just a matter of finding them. Remember what makes your nonprofit unique as you search for other sources. 

Starting a church, ministry, or non-profit can be daunting, and you do not have to do it alone. At StartCHURCH, our mission is to partner with church planters, ministry, and non-profit leaders to ensure they have the solid foundation and resources to chase the call on their lives to impact the world for Christ. If you need additional help or want more information on starting your non-profit, click the button below to schedule a call with one of our ministry specialists.


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