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I Made a Loan to God

By Raul Rivera

I want to talk about something that is incredibly close to my heart—something I experienced firsthand many years ago and have carried with me ever since. Believe it or not, I gave God a loan, and let me tell you, He paid me back with interest—far more than I could have ever imagined.

What the Bible Says About Lending to God

Proverbs 19:17 says, “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed” (ESV). This verse reminds us that when we give to those who have no way of repaying us, we are not just making a simple charitable donation. It’s much more than that. We are making an investment into something eternal, something that goes far beyond the reach of what we see in this world.

How God Views Your Generosity

When we give to those in need, God views our generosity as a personal loan to Him. And unlike any earthly investment, His return is guaranteed. In the world we live in, no bank or investment firm can guarantee a return like God does. Not only does He repay what we’ve given, but He does so with overflowing blessings and favor. He pays us back with interest, and the interest rate is one that surpasses even the highest rates of inflation. In God’s economy, every single gift multiplies. What starts as a seed grows into something far greater than we could ever imagine. God takes what we give and multiplies it beyond what we initially gave.

A Story of Hope

Let me share with you a real story, one that deeply impacted my life. Years ago, when my family ran an orphanage in Venezuela, a young boy arrived at our door. He was only nine years old at the time, and his journey to us was nothing short of heart-wrenching. He and his father had come from Colombia, crossing the border in a tomato truck, risking their lives for a chance at something better. Tragically, just months after arriving in Venezuela, his father was murdered for a mere 26 dollars, leaving the boy alone in the world—without a mother, without a father, and with so many questions.

For months, that boy cried every day, asking, “Why?” It was a question no one could answer in a way that would bring instant hope. But over time, as he learned about the love of his Heavenly Father, something began to change. Through the care and love he received at the orphanage, he found hope. He applied himself to his education, and he learned resilience. He learned that even during loss and pain, there was a God who loved him and had a plan for him.

Make God a Loan

Today, that same boy is 25 years old, living in North Dakota, and serving in a military program that will grant him U.S. citizenship after his service. He still stays in contact with my parents, who cared for him at the orphanage, and he’s forever grateful for the ministry of the Home of Refuge, which gave him a second chance.

I’ve been giving “loans” to the Lord for over 30 years in support of this ministry, and I can say without hesitation that God has paid back every single loan with interest. He has blessed me beyond what I could have ever hoped for.

So, my encouragement to you is this: Find a mission or a cause that serves those who cannot repay you. It doesn’t matter how much you give—even if it’s just five dollars a month—it matters. When you give, you’re lending to the Lord—and I promise you, He will repay, with interest.

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