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How to Strengthen Your Church in the Coming Year

By Christine Bove

This year, we embraced ideas, visions, and dreams, setting resolutions to enhance our lives and the lives of others. As we enter 2024, I urge you, pastor, to continue dreaming and casting vision. God is ever-active, orchestrating events for His and our benefit. With the assurance of God's control, let's dare to dream for the year ahead.

"The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirit. Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established." Proverbs 16:1-3 ESV

Let's ensure 2024 becomes a standout year for your church by reinforcing it spiritually and establishing a solid legal foundation. Explore these five methods to strengthen your church in 2024:

1. Allocate Time to Seek the Lord

Prioritizing seeking God above all else for a fresh vision in the new year will pave the way for your success. A profound scripture provides valuable insights on navigating the transition toward an expanded vision, fostering personal and collective church growth. Habakkuk 2:1-3 (NAS) states,

"I will stand on my guard post

And station myself on the rampart;

And I will keep watch to see what He will speak to me,

And how I may reply when I am reproved.

Then the Lord answered me and said,

'Record the vision

And inscribe it on tablets,

That the one who reads it may run.

For the vision is yet for the appointed time;

It hastens toward the goal, and it will not fail.

Though it tarries, wait for it;

For it will certainly come, it will not delay.'"

Prayer places you as a guard stationed at the post, anticipating God's message (Habakkuk 2:1). While daily devotions are essential, let's delve deeper. I urge you to dedicate extended hours each week, focusing on prayer to seek God's renewal for your church's vision. Once God unveils insights to you, spend time meditating on this vision. Grasping the vision is crucial for effectively communicating it to others within the church community.

2. Set the Vision

Specify the insights God is revealing to you. Is the vision about refining your church's youth ministry, expanding outreach efforts, or developing strong leaders? Reflect on the following questions to assist in formulating your action plan:

  • What steps are necessary to bring the vision into reality?
  • Do I need to reorganize church services or modify our curriculum?
  • How will this vision alter our existing budget and schedule?
  • Will this change necessitate hiring new staff?
  • What level of dedication will the vision demand from our current team?

The verse in Habakkuk emphasizes writing down the vision so that those who read it can "run." This revitalized vision will infuse new energy into the strides of those accompanying you.

Once you receive a new vision from the Lord, document it. Contemplate making a vision board to give your goals a tangible form. Display the board where you and your team can consistently remember the vision.

3. Develop a Healthy Budget

In 2023, every church and ministry faced distinctive financial hurdles. Crafting a budget inclusive of a savings strategy not only aids in preparing for unexpected obstacles but also fosters a sense of security as you gain clarity on your monthly financial allocations.

In times of crisis or routine financial challenges, setting aside funds for savings is a wise investment for your ministry's future. It provides financial stability during your church’s current phase.

To work with a bookkeeper who understands the needs of your ministry and can help establish a tailored budget, please get in touch with us at 770-638-3444.


4. Expand Your Digital Influence

By fortifying your online presence, your church can profoundly influence during these times. A dynamic website allows your existing members and potential visitors to access your online services, engage with your video sermons, participate in Bible studies, and more!

If you still need to do so, consider making it a resolution to establish your presence on popular social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and even TikTok. For those with existing accounts, increasing your posting frequency is beneficial. Utilize tools like Hootsuite and Loomly, allowing you to create and schedule posts in advance at your convenience.

Be imaginative in the content you produce! Platforms like Canva offer free tools to aid in content creation. If needed, involve volunteers with expertise in this area. Online tutorial videos can be valuable resources for acquiring new social media skills.

Enhancing your online presence goes hand in hand with embracing online giving solutions. Integrate secure and convenient online giving options on your website and social media platforms to empower your members and supporters to contribute seamlessly, ensuring the financial stability of your ministry. This streamlined approach facilitates financial transactions and strengthens the connection between your church and its supporters, fostering a sense of community.

There exists an entire online generation searching for genuine hope. You can make a difference by consistently sharing the Gospel on these platforms.

5. Make Time to Rest

Finding solace, spending quality time with family, and trusting God for better days ahead in the New Year is crucial. Rest can take different forms for each person, but we strongly recommend setting aside dedicated moments to unwind, recharge, and reset. Concentrate on strengthening your bonds with family and friends. Rely on God's strength and tranquility to instill hope for the future. This rejuvenation is essential to prepare for the remarkable plans He has in store for you this coming year.

Prepare for a Brighter Tomorrow

Now is the time to prepare for the upcoming year. Despite the uncertainties, we find assurance in God's constant presence amidst the unknown. He remains steadfast and will neither abandon nor forsake you. He has called you for this moment and will empower you to fulfill your purpose. Embrace His strength and guidance as you enter this new, promising year.

Now is the perfect time to prepare for the new year with confidence in God's guidance and strength. Let us assist you in fortifying both your spiritual journey and legal foundation to lead your church effectively. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need guidance on the above steps. Call us at 770-638-3444 or click the link below to schedule a call and ensure your church is well-prepared for the promising year ahead. Your successful journey begins here.


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