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Growing Without Depending on Tithes and Offerings

By Raul Rivera

What if we told you that your church could grow even if no one gave for the next month? Would that change the way you preach? Or the community outreach programs that you invest in? Or the missionaries you send?

Time and again we hear from pastors that the vision they have to impact the community for Christ exceeds the balance in their bank account.  And while God doesn’t often drop a million dollars in our laps to make those visions and dreams come to life, what He does do is partner with us to create ideas. One of those ways is through the development of a For-Profit Arm.


What is a For-Profit Arm? Simply put, it’s a brand new organization created, owned, and governed by the church that is for profit. This could be a daycare, school, coffee shop, cleaning business, recording studio and the list goes on that donates its profits to the church tax-free. 

To learn more about how you can grow your church without depending on tithes and offerings and the steps you need to take today to create a church-owned business, click the button below to schedule a call with one of our ministry specialists. 


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