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Are You Dreaming BIG Enough for 2021?

By Mariel Villarreal

5 Minute Read 

"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us…" -Ephesians 3:20

It's time to cast a new vision for the future. As 2021 draws closer, can you imagine how God wants to use you to make a greater impact than ever before?

Whether you're new to ministry or you've been a pastor for thirty years, God may be stirring a new dream in you for the year to come. You have no idea how your faithfulness to do what God's calling you to will make a difference in the lives of others. That's why you must dream big!

In today's blog, let's talk about new possibilities to make 2021 your best year yet. 

The Dream of Starting a Nonprofit

Why not imagine new and innovative ways God could transform your city in the New Year? Whether you want to prevent human trafficking, aid in the drug epidemic, or helping the homeless in your area, establishing a nonprofit may be your answer. These are just a few ideas—but the possibilities are endless!

Let's take a look at how one group of church pastors and ministry leaders joined together to impact their community. 

Pastors and Leaders Start a Movement Together


 In 2016, a group of Atlanta church and ministry leaders started gathering to pray about solutions to reconcile their divided city. They began to dream of holding an event to unify the body of Christ to lead to lasting change.

In 2018, their dream became a reality. With over 25,000 people present, 250 churches represented, and more than 500 pastors and leaders present, OneRace held a gathering of worship, prayer, and repentance on the top of Stone Mountain in Georgia to bring healing and reconciliation to their city and state. This catalytic event launched the OneRace movement.

Hazen Stevens and Josh Clemmons act as the co-executive directors of OneRace. Stevens says, "We quickly discovered that prayer is a great starting point, but it can't be an ending point. It has to be a journey of discipleship and spiritual formation that must translate into how we interact with all walks of life and the systems of our government, education, and economy."

To learn more about OneRace and the impact they are making through their organization, visit their oneracemovement.com or connect with them on Instagram or Facebook.

Do you feel called to start a movement? You don't have to do it alone. Our team at StartCHURCH helps organizations like OneRace protect what God has called them to lead with our StartRIGHT service. If you want to learn more about making your dream a reality, please call today at 877-494-4655. We can't wait to hear from you.


The Dream of a Church-Owned Business

Is 2021 the year you start your church-owned business, otherwise known as a for-profit arm?

When you start a for-profit arm, such as a coffee shop, a daycare, a lawn care business, or a bookstore, you give your ministry the ability to generate income beyond tithes and offerings. Imagine having more resources to fund the various projects and missions God puts on your heart! Plus, you can bless your community by providing helpful services and creating more jobs. When churches and ministries discover the benefits of owning their own business, everything changes.

Begin to dream with God about creating your own for-profit arm in the New Year. If you'd like to learn more, please give us a call or click here to get started today.

The Dream of Starting a New Ministry

You may wonder if now is a good time to start a new ministry. If God is calling you to do it, there is no time like the present to launch your dream.

We are in challenging times. People need hope spiritually; they are wondering if there is a God in the midst of all of the pain and confusion. They need hope physically—people are out of work and families are struggling to pay the bills and put food on the table. 

You can help provide the answers and solutions to the current issues many are facing.

Now, let's talk about how one of our StartRIGHT ministries saw God move during the pandemic.

Outreach Thrives During the Pandemic


When the pandemic hit, pastors Fred and Mary Chinn partnered with their local hospital to provide medical, literature, and screenings during COVID-19. They continued doing drive-by ministry to widows, single mothers, and families in need of food. 

"The pandemic is bringing in a huge harvest for the Kingdom of God. When we started going back on the streets, we saw how hungry people are for God. We are not just a charity organization feeding the homeless; we are bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ that changes lives." - Pastor Fred Chinn. To Learn more about Tobiah Life Center, visit their website.

If you are ready to say "yes" to starting the ministry God has placed on your heart, we are here to guide you from start to finish. The first step is giving us a call at 877-494-4655 or clicking here to learn more about the StartRIGHT Service!

The Dream of Impacting Your Community

Do you see needs in your city that you wish your church could meet—but you just don't have the funding or resources? Often, a church will start a non-religious nonprofit like a Community Development Corporation (CDC) when facing this scenario. 

A CDC is a secondary corporation formed to accomplish the vision that a church cannot achieve alone.

By establishing a CDC, you can apply for grants and seek partnerships that churches and ministries are not always able to receive. In turn, you can cross the barriers you could not cross before while continuing the church's mission.

If you dream of starting a CDC in the New Year, don't hesitate to begin! Our team will answer all of your questions and guide you along the way. Give us a call at 877-494-4655 to learn more or click the link below.


Now let's hear the story of one leader who decided to start a CDC.

Music that Makes a Difference


In 2014, God began to prompt Kevin Camon to start a music program for young people—but he had no clue how to do it legally! After months of planning and consulting with StartCHURCH, Reverent Sound Music, Inc. became an IRS approved CDC. Camon says,

"Today, we are Reverent Sound Music & Performing Arts. Our vision continues to grow as we pour into children in surrounding local communities and show them they have talents and leadership skills they can use to give back to their communities." 

"I am so glad I decided to start my ministry the right way with StartCHURCH. Being compliant with the IRS gives me the confidence to lead my organization freely and without the worry of handling all the legal requirements." To learn more about Reverent Sound Music, visit their website.

What's Holding You Back?

When it comes to even thinking about starting something new, we may find ourselves saying things like:

"I don't know how to get started!"

"I don't know where the money is going to come from to finance the vision."

"I don't know if I am capable of what God is calling me to do."

The truth is, it's okay not to know! Be encouraged today that if God has called you, He is the one who will equip you with everything you need to pursue the vision he has given you. Why not start today? 

We are here to give you confidence as you fulfill your dream. Please give us a call at 877-494-4655 so we can hear the new vision God is stirring in your heart for the New Year. It would be an honor to serve you. 


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