Why I Started My Ministry with StartCHURCH
Nov 07, 2019
2014 was the year that God planted in my heart the vision to create a music program for young people. After discussing this newfound vision with my wi...
Read more2014 was the year that God planted in my heart the vision to create a music program for young people. After discussing this newfound vision with my wi...
Read more“You have to have 501(c)(3) status!” “Don’t apply for 501(c)(3)!” “The government can’t tell y...
Read morePastor Leslie couldn’t get the idea that the end of the year was just three months away. How was it already October? Where had the year gone? Me...
Read moreWith the 2020 elections around the corner, many pastors and ministry leaders are asking themselves, “Can my church participate in politics witho...
Read moreThe 2020 United States presidential election is on the horizon. It will not be long before we see advertisements for political campaigns and are bomba...
Read more“Can my ministry sell items or charge money for events?” At StartCHURCH, many pastors and ministry leaders call us asking this ques...
Read more“So, I’m a 508(c)(1)(a) church; I’m a free church. I don’t need the 501(c)(3)!” The pastor making this comment wa...
Read moreYou have a dream. God has called you and given you a vision to impact your community and bring people closer to Him. The question now is, how s...
Read moreI want to share my experience with you as a pastor pursuing a dream to meet a need within our community. For me, the journey between vision and realit...
Read moreAnd receive Book 1 of our Grow Trilogy FREE today! This series gives you the strategies you need to get started growing your church plant today!
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