How Your Church Website is Breaking the Law
Feb 20, 2012
Today's 21st century church is so dramatically different from the church that we knew just a few years back that, outside of the unchanging message of...
Read moreToday's 21st century church is so dramatically different from the church that we knew just a few years back that, outside of the unchanging message of...
Read moreThis past week, an unusually large number of pastors and church treasurers were confused about the 1099 form. The confusion was quite extensive ...
Read moreOver the last several years we have noticed a trend in which the IRS has tightened the review process of organizations applying for tax-exempt status....
Read moreEvery year in January and February, our office gets numerous phone calls from pastors and leaders asking about tax forms and whether or not there is a...
Read moreThere is a law in the books that places pastors and church treasurers/financial secretaries at risk of incurring high personal tax penalties, commonly...
Read moreA few years ago a church of 300 members wanted to bless their pastor in a way that was meaningful. He had suffered a few financial setbacks rece...
Read moreWhen the Small Business Jobs Act was signed into law, Section 2102 amended the tax code and more than doubled the penalties for 1099 forms. Your...
Read moreThe following is a fact-based story relying on the court case; David Michael Maser v. Commissioner. When Pastor Tom received a letter from the IRS sta...
Read moreHas there ever been a time in our national history when a timely word from the Lord was more needed to bring healing to many than now? It is pos...
Read moreAnd receive Book 1 of our Grow Trilogy FREE today! This series gives you the strategies you need to get started growing your church plant today!
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