Tag : Church Management

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The Ultimate Strategy to Protect Your Church

Oct 31, 2017

Over the past two weeks, we have talked about how to know when it is the right time for your church to begin building and what steps to take when that...

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What to do When it is Time for Your Church to Build

Oct 24, 2017

In a previous article, we addressed knowing when it is the right time for your church to build. Although we acknowledged that there is no surefire way...

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When is the Right Time for Your Church to Build?

Oct 17, 2017

If it has not happened to you already, there will come a time when your church will need to build because of its growth in attendance. Many church gro...

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Should Your Church Rent its Facilities to Another Church?

Oct 10, 2017

When a young pastor of a startup church called Pastor Craig to see if his church could rent some space from Pastor Craig’s church, Pastor Craig ...

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Are There Any Benefits of 501(c)(3) for Churches?

Oct 03, 2017

There is a lot of information on the Internet about whether or not churches should apply for and obtain 501(c)(3) approval. There are those who say ch...

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Avoiding Illegal Use of the Church Credit Card

Sep 28, 2017

There is some debate as to whether or not pastors should have a discretionary fund. The problem with this particular debate is not the topic itself, b...

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Is it Time for Your Church to Make a Move?

Sep 21, 2017

In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon tells us that “there is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven.”  Many...

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"How to Sue a Church" . . . Really?

Sep 14, 2017

I was up late the other day doing some research on church compliance and tax law. I was about to call it a night when I came across an article en...

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How to Send Volunteers to Help With Relief Efforts

Sep 12, 2017

When a tragic event occurs, there is often an immense desire from those who were not directly affected to help the victims. Most recently we have seen...

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