Tag : Church Management

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How Churches Can Honor Dads this Father's Day

Jun 03, 2018

If you have followed my writings for very long, you know how much I value the role of fatherhood. My role as a father is part of what shapes me and w...

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Court Makes Surprise Ruling in Church Audit Case

May 31, 2018

One of the last things any pastor wants for his/her church is to have to go through an IRS audit. Thankfully, there is a stringent process that the I...

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How to Prevent Ministry Burnout

May 29, 2018

Being a pastor is one of the most prestigious callings God places on one’s life. The life and responsibilities of being a pastor, however, are n...

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Kentucky Court Delivers Blow to Church Release Forms

May 17, 2018

With the summer months quickly approaching, many churches are preparing to take short-term missions trips. Additionally, many church youth groups will...

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Can a Church Give Scholarships?

May 10, 2018

During this time of year, many high school and college students are preparing to graduate. This is one of the big milestones that one accomplishes and...

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Pastor, You Can't Say That

May 03, 2018

I want to share with you an area that pastors rarely consider when it comes to speaking from the pulpit. For instance, have you ever given thought to...

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How Your Church Can Honor Moms on Mother's Day

May 01, 2018

Every year there are certain Sundays that some refer to as “big” Sundays. These are the Sundays, such as Easter Sunday, when many people w...

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How to Build Credit for Your Church

Apr 26, 2018

When starting a church there are many things that a church planter must consider. In the first few months a church planter or new pastor will typicall...

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How to Start a Children's Ministry

Apr 24, 2018

If you have ever planted a church or have ever been a part of a church planting team, then you know well enough that starting a church is no easy task...

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