Tag : Church Management

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How to Finance Your Retirement Plan

Jul 25, 2019

Having a retirement plan is nice in theory, but where do you get the money to fund it?  I have been asking myself this question while trying to ...

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Retirement Planning for Clergy

Jul 23, 2019

Everyone understands the concept of retirement on a general level: you save money while you are working, and when you turn 65, you stop working and ha...

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Church Taxed on Funds Raised?

Jul 16, 2019

“Can my ministry sell items or charge money for events?”  At StartCHURCH, many pastors and ministry leaders call us asking this ques...

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Is a Building in Your Future?

Jul 11, 2019

Every church needs a place to gather. Often, churches start out meeting in a home, a community building, or a school. Everyone's opinions, preferences...

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Bookkeeper Saves Church $8,000

Jul 09, 2019

At StartCHURCH, we understand how vital financial records are to a healthy church. Not only are appropriately-kept records needed in case of an IRS au...

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State Shuts Down Daycare

Jul 02, 2019

Greater Purpose Church* established their church-owned business in 2018. They established God’s Children Daycare* in eager hopes of providing th...

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How Great Pastors Plan for the Future

Jun 27, 2019

There comes a time in every pastor’s life when he or she realizes that they will not always be leading their churches. For some, this realizatio...

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Do Churches Need to Update the IRS?

Jun 25, 2019

Has your church or organization been in existence for over two years? Have you made any significant changes to your structure? Are you thinking of sta...

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How to Prevent Embezzlement in Your Church

Jun 20, 2019

Ministry life often comes with so many unforeseen challenges. But the one thing that always catches pastors by surprise is being faced with accusation...

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