Tag : Church Management

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How to Create a Budget for Your Ministry

Mar 03, 2020

As we get ever closer to spring, we all seem to naturally think about getting things clean, fresh, and new. Once we move past the new year plans, we g...

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Most Common Questions Pastors Ask, Part 2

Feb 27, 2020

Starting a ministry is an exciting time! However, sometimes all the excitement leads people to make decisions that feel right in the moment but are ...

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10 Qualities of Effective Leaders

Feb 25, 2020

A common struggle among pastors is picking the right leaders. This is true for both church planters who are establishing launch teams and seasoned pas...

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6 Benefits of Hiring a Bookkeeper

Feb 20, 2020

Any organization that deals with money, whether it is registered as a for-profit, nonprofit, church, or ministry, should consider hiring a bookkeeper....

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Why You Should Never Plant Alone

Feb 13, 2020

“Never plant alone!” I remember hearing this at a church planting conference I attended, and my heart leaped within me. I was sitting on ...

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3 Must-Have Board Member Positions

Feb 11, 2020

Church planting is one of the most exciting and challenging times in a pastor’s life. As any church planter knows, it takes a team of committed ...

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Solving the Greatest Issues and Challenges of the Church Planter

Feb 06, 2020

*Written by Christine D. Johnson of Charisma Magazine Ask any church planter what it’s like to found a church, and you’ll learn it’...

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How to Launch Your Church by Easter, Part 2

Feb 04, 2020

This is part two on starting a church in time to launch by Easter. If you missed the first week, check it out here. What does it take to start a chur...

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How to Launch Your Church by Easter, Part 1

Jan 30, 2020

How do you start a church?  Who should I trust with my ministry? How do I plan for sustainable growth in my church?  These are just a...

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