Are you Ready for the 7/1 Deadline?
Jun 09, 2015
By now many churches have figured out that they can no longer continue to pay the pastor’s or other employees’ health insurance premiums t...
Read moreBy now many churches have figured out that they can no longer continue to pay the pastor’s or other employees’ health insurance premiums t...
Read moreThe Defense of Marriage Act was established by Congress on September 21, 1996 to allow states the right to refuse to recognize, or to choose to recogn...
Read moreIn 1989, two ministers of the gospel started a wedding chapel. In September of 2014, they formed an LLC, calling it Hitching Post Weddings, LLC. As a ...
Read moreFor approximately 11 years she embezzled funds from her church in Lexington, VA. Though no one ever suspected that she would take a dime from the chur...
Read moreHow would you respond if the Lord connected you to a wonderful pastor you admired who was starting a new church, and that pastor asked you, "Will you ...
Read moreLast year, when helping a church resolve some ordination issues, we discovered that the IRS had revoked the church's 501(c)(3) status and had placed t...
Read moreMain point: It is important to know who is a disqualified person for the purposes of governing the church. Not knowing could result in sev...
Read moreMain point: Closely held for profit corporations have the same religious protections as churches, and nonprofit coroprations. In a landmark deci...
Read moreA church in North Carolina filed a lawsuit against the State of North Carolina claiming that the state violates the 14th Amendment of the Constitution...
Read moreAnd receive Book 1 of our Grow Trilogy FREE today! This series gives you the strategies you need to get started growing your church plant today!
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