Is Your Tax Status at Risk?

Jul 30, 2015

The IRS is about to automatically revoke the tax-exempt status of thousands of ministries across America. Every year in the month of August, this happ...

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Why Pastors/Churches Will NOT Have to Do Same-Sex Weddings

Jul 23, 2015

It has been nearly a month since the Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage is a constitutional right. In a previous blog post I addressed what we...

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Does Your Church Underreport?

Jul 21, 2015

The IRS tax gap report reveals that underreporting of income remained the biggest contributing factor to the tax gap. This is a report the IRS re...

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Supreme Court Ruling Response

Jul 14, 2015

As I am sure you have heard by now, the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of same-sex marriage in a 5-4 vote. Since the ruling, many pastors and leader...

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The Deadline Every Church Must Know

Jul 12, 2015

Many churches use credit card readers to process various transactions such as conference or retreat registrations, weekly giving, and purchases made w...

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4 Steps to Payroll Compliance

Jul 02, 2015

Pastor Jenkins has always been the type of person to do things “by the books”. Growing up in a military family, it was only natural that h...

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Voices of Three Fathers

Jun 21, 2015

On this Father’s Day, as I sit and reflect about what it means to be a father, I am overwhelmed with the love of our Heavenly Father. I am convi...

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I Didn't Sign Up For This!

Jun 18, 2015

Like it was yesterday, I can still recall the day I heard the Lord’s call to the ministry. The certainty I felt that day can only be compared to...

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Help, My Board Isn't Balanced!

Jun 16, 2015

With all of the rules and regulations that churches are expected to follow, one may easily wonder how a church is expected to efficiently operate toda...

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