The 2015 Ultimate Year-End Checklist

Dec 01, 2015

Can you believe that it is December already? The holiday season is upon us and the end of the year is quickly approaching. During this time of ye...

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Is Your Home Office Deduction Legal?

Nov 19, 2015

Today, most ministers have an office in their home. For some ministers, their home office may be a converted spare bedroom, and for others it may simp...

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Politics and the Church; What Every Pastor Needs to Know!

Nov 17, 2015

On October 30, 1992, four days before the presidential election, Branch Ministries, a tax-exempt church in New York, placed two full-page adds in two ...

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The Key to Your Ministry Dreams

Nov 12, 2015

We are encouraged throughout Scripture to be grateful and to give thanks for all things, in all circumstances. Many people particularly use this time ...

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Do This Now For 2016

Nov 03, 2015

As surprising as it seems, the end of 2015 is quickly approaching! It seems like it was just a few short weeks ago that we were ringing in 2015 and lo...

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$250 Gifts, Possible New Laws

Oct 29, 2015

On September 17th, 2015 the IRS proposed changes to the way a church can give tax deductible receipts for any contribution a person gives to the churc...

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Can Donations Risk Your Tax-Exempt Status?

Oct 16, 2016

Raising enough funds to sustain a church is no easy task. In fact, it is a “thorn” in the side of many pastors. Pastors I speak with have...

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The Must Know New Overtime Rules

Oct 15, 2015

Now that we are in the fourth quarter of 2015, many churches will soon begin planning for next year’s budget. When doing so, there are many fact...

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IRS Taxes Pastor for Salary He Never Received

Oct 05, 2017

This time of year we get an abundance of phone calls from pastors who have still not filed taxes or from those who feel they have prepared them incorr...

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