Bookkeeping Webinar
Watch anytime, anywhere for just $14.50
With the New Year here, it's time to get ready for your most financially healthy year yet! The global pandemic brought on many unexpected financial challenges for churches and ministries this year. The good news is, StartCHURCH is here to help you get confident with your ministry's finances so you can focus on fulfilling what God's called you to do in 2021.
In this exclusive webinar, we will give you the tools you need to recover from 2020 and see your church or ministry financially thrive in the New Year!
- 7 tips you need to follow when planning your budget
- 3 Strategies to have a financially healthy year
- 6 benefits of hiring an outsourced bookkeeper
- The answers to the top bookkeeping questions we receive
When you join our bookkeeping webinar, you will receive these FREE resources to benefit your church or ministry:
- 6 Steps to Strengthen Your Church’s Financial Health ebook
- Grow Your Church Finances ebook
- Reimbursement Request Form
- Offering Count Sheet
- Financial Gift Thank you Letter
- Accountable Reimbursement Policy
- Tithe & Offering Collection Policy

Jackie Cassady
Your Webinar Guide
Jackie is the Director of Bookkeeping at StartCHURCH.
She has been working at StartCHURCH for over five years. As our Director of Bookkeeping, she works with our bookkeeping team to provide excellent service to our customers. Jackie loves helping clients gain financial confidence and grow their organizations.
Working with StartCHURCH has been amazing all around. They are very professional in all they do, and they're very accommodating to us as a church with very specific needs for our bookkeeping. They've helped take such a big burden off our shoulders so we can concentrate more on accomplishing our vision.
I can't believe how simple and streamlined StartCHURCH's bookkeeping service has made our finances! I even cut back hours in the office staff, which is saving money! It has made my life so much easier.
To accommodate your busy schedule, you can watch the Bookkeeping Webinar on-demand.
Watch anytime, anywhere