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An Easy Way to Attract Visitors to Your Church

By Raul Rivera

Today’s Church is dramatically different from the Church at the turn of the century. Outside of the unchanging message of salvation, to some degree, the Church is hardly recognizable.

Change can be attributed to the culture around us, and the culture around us is largely influenced by the rapid developments of technology.

There is no doubt that the Internet has revolutionized the way we live, conduct business, interact with one another, travel, and even the way we “do church.”

The question is no longer, “Does your church have a website?” Rather, the more appropriate question today is, “If someone visited your church’s website, would they visit your church?”

A 2016 Forbes Insights report*, which is based on a survey of 250 retail executives (nearly half of them being CEOs or business owners), says that “according to retailers, most customers - 82% - conduct research online” before making an in-store visit and purchase. 

The report also indicates that “a third of survey respondents believe that their website draws customers to the stores.”

With that being said, just as most individuals shop online first, I think most individuals who are looking for a church also begin their quest online. 

Connecting a parable with your church website

In Matthew 4:19, Jesus told Peter and Andrew, “Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” In this passage Jesus uses a familiar event to teach Peter and Andrew the concept of winning souls.

Likewise, the metaphor of fishing can be applied to your church website. Let me explain.

A fisherman studies the tides, weather, and timing in order to place his boat in the perfect spot. He then casts a net hoping that his preparation pays off.

After studying the times and seasons, the Internet is a perfect spot for your church to “cast its nets.” Your church website is the “net” that will capture the “fish.”

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The quality of your church website (“net”) matters

No fisherman is better than the net he casts. 

On one occasion off the shore of the Sea of Tiberias, Jesus told his disciples to cast the net on the other side of the boat. It produced a catch so numerous that they were unable to haul in the net.

Since they were not used to having such a full net, they did not have a suitable method to haul in the big catch. 

Can your church website bring in a big haul?

Getting people to your website is the easy part. Getting those viewers to subsequently visit your church depends on the quality of your church website. 

A good gauge to help determine the quality of your website is to ask yourself the following question:

"What message is being sent to those who visit my church website?"

I have seen many poor quality websites that send a message to its viewers to stay away!

7 features to include on your church website

Like it or not, your church website speaks to its viewers about the excellence of your ministry. Your website reflects what viewers may experience if they choose to visit your church.

As a minimum, your church website should include the following features:

  1. News/events: The news/events section keeps the congregation up to date on the latest events. This requires maintenance. It is better not to have this section than to have one that is always out of date or managed improperly.
  2. History of the church: The church history is a wonderful story of how the Lord orchestrated events that led to the birth of your church.
  3. Staff bios: Not only are people interested in the history of your church, but they are also interested in who you are. Visitors to your website want to know the individuals on staff and the capacities in which they serve. This allows potential visitors to feel somewhat connected to staff members and other leaders in your church.
  4. Doctrines: Knowing what you believe is an important piece of the puzzle for those thinking of visiting your church. If you do not have your church doctrines written out, then you can click here to download an editable template to help you begin the process.
  5. Ministries of the church: Since God's kingdom consists of a variety of individuals in differing seasons of life, posting the scope of ministries offered at your church helps online viewers to better understand whether or not your church is a place in which they could feel connected. For example, singles are more likely to be drawn in if they see that a specific time each week a group of singles meets together, etc.
  6. Dedicate a special section for children's ministry: Many families will consider the children's program as their number one priority. If you have a lovely children's program, then you should showcase that ministry on your website.
  7. Online giving option: Online giving is one of the most common giving methods to date. It is easy and convenient for both church members and nonmembers alike. To include this feature to your website, you need an account with a merchant service (such as Stripe) that serves as an intermediary to receive funds from donors and to transfer those funds to your banking institution.  

Create your church’s website in just 1 hour!

In Matthew 5:14, Jesus tells us that we “are the light of the world--like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.” Your church website can also shine as a light that attracts visitors to your church and ultimately into a relationship with God.

In today’s digital world, it is a form of cultural stewardship to have a website that reflects not only the vision of the church, but also a godly pursuit of legal compliance.

At StartCHURCH, our goal is to be an invaluable resource for churches and ministries just like yours.

If you need help creating and building a website for your church or ministry that looks good and is functional, then check out our newest resource - StartSITES.

In just 1 hour you can have a website for your church that is up and running and is capable of receiving online donations.

For more information, click on the link below or give us a call at 877-494-4655.

Create Your Church Website Today!

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