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4 Ways to Improve Communication in Your Church

By Kenice Patterson

I am a firm believer that communication and connections are what keep the Church together and thriving. 

These days time is very limited, especially to pastors and church leaders. We all have jobs, families, and so many responsibilities, in addition to our church-related activities and responsibilities. 

Communication is much more than just sending and receiving messages. The information must be sent, received, accepted, acted upon, and looked into. If we value those with whom we communicate, it’s worth taking the time to be intentional in how we communicate with them.

There are thousands of churches who thrive at communicating in ways that are simple so that they can focus on getting the message to their audience with ease. With so many different church communication tools and platforms available, it is crucial to avoid getting overwhelmed. Stay concentrated on finding what works for your church to share the most important messages in an effective manner. 

With that being said, I want to present to you a few different ways to advance communication within your church that aren’t time-consuming when done correctly. 

4 ways to improve communication in your church

1. Diversify your methods

People have different communication styles; you need different options for different people. Some people prefer emails, while others would rather receive a message through texts, handwritten letters, or face-to-face connections. The more options, the more opportunities. So, have options! 

It's really easy to make communication a generic task. And if that becomes routine, it loses its genuine touch. All communication with people, no matter the way it’s delivered, should feel like a one-on-one experience: it needs to come from the heart. 

2. Utilize social media

There is an abundance of social media options at the fingertips of the Church nowadays. Some of the most popular are Facebook, Twitter, podcasts, Instagram, and blogs. You may be overwhelmed, at first, at all the options. However, you should focus on which ones will be easiest to keep up to date and how well you can maintain it. 

While it can seem intimidating at first, you don’t have to be an expert to win at social media. The most common way people find a church they are looking for is by searching the internet and using different social media platforms. Social media isn’t just a choice for churches anymore; it’s a necessity. It may help to have a person or a team manage your social media for you, depending on the size of your ministry.

To learn more about how to correctly use your church’s social media, check out our blog, “Three Ways the IRS Uses Your Church’s Social Media.”

3. Don’t forget about your website

Just like your church’s physical framework, your church website is the digital framework that your congregation, surrounding community, and future members will visit. Maybe you keep putting it off because you think it’s too complicated or expensive to fix? (This seems to be especially for small to mid-size churches.) But trust me when I say it is possible to have an inviting website no matter the size of your organization. 

You want to make sure that your website reflects what viewers may experience if they choose to visit your church. Do not give up and think your website is useless. Many people these days will not visit a church without first checking its website.

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4. Incorporate communication software

Church management software is becoming a necessary tool to apply in church processes and communications. Today, we have more tasks to finish, more staff to coordinate with, and more church members who want and need to communicate more often. 

Time management and communication software tools can be your extra set of hands. They can simplify and organize your responsibilities and streamline internal communications. No matter the size of your church or the number of people in your community, every church needs a communication software in place to help out. Consider using Church Community Builder for your church.

Communication factors matter 

A key factor when trying to thrive at communication in your church is to think of how you communicate in your personal relationships and what you do to make them successful. How did you gain their trust? What are you doing to make them feel important? 

Take the top methods in your personal relationships and apply them to your communication skills within the church. Here are some key factors in building long-lasting relationships within the church that you are probably using in your personal relationships. 

  • Keep it genuine. All your communication with people, whether written or spoken, needs to feel like a one-on-one conversation and personal. 

  • Don’t forget to say thank you. Saying “Thank you!” to your church volunteers and members helps them to feel valued and motivated and is one of the most worthwhile things you can do

  • Ask the right questions and listen. The best way to let people know that we are listening to them is to make sure that we first understand what they are saying and needing. To do this, we dive deeper and ask questions that matter to them.

  • Encourage others. You can definitely show your communication skills when you are encouraging people. Speaking to one another kindly, communicating honor, and acknowledging the gifts and positive traits of others help to build each other up. 

The encouraging thing about this list is that you have control over these factors. Communication is at the core of how your church will (or will not) grow. Make it a priority to thrive at communication within your church. Successfully connecting the right message to the right people at the right time is the ultimate objective of communication. 

Churches should be focused on communicating more efficiently and effectively and constantly making efforts to reach the community. So, part of this communication process is taking what you already have in place for communicating within your church and just advancing it. Communication is the key to a flourishing ministry. Without it, there is no foundation to build trust or grow relationships between pastors, leaders, volunteers, and members. 

What would you add to this list? What other qualities have you seen in church communications coordinators that make them effective? Let us know in the comments below! 

To learn more about how to create your own website for your church or how to get help on your church’s branding, give us a call at 877-494-4655. Or, click the button below to schedule a day and time to have a specialist call you at your convenience.

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